1 min read

Any given weekday

Any given weekday
Photo by Sandy Millar / Unsplash

Any given weekday the mean streets of inner-city life are populated by distinct demographic sub-genres that might correspond for didactic purposes with naturally occurring phenomena in physics:

  1. Stochastic children, in school uniform, unaccompanied. If to scale then, optimistically electrons rotating around something solid somewhere, alternatively brownian motion in action, alternatively quantum entanglement.
  2. An irregular obstacle course strangers comprised entirely of people with dogs stopping randomly to talk with people with dogs as if they were the aforementioned dogs. Exemplars of Neutrons, Strong Magnetic Force, or annoying Pricks - depending on your branch of science.
  3. Ripples around stationary dog-induced-clusters produce staccato bursts of younger-middle-aged, under-slept, exhausted and emotionally drained women pushing all-terrain prams. Like the protons wearily circling their atomic centre and people I would never trade places with again, ever.
  4. Omnipresent background radiating old women with assorted bags. Dark Matter, or Quarks, or other quantum matter - measurable only by observing their purpose or direction but never both.
  5. People with no apparent purpose. Like comets or solar flares.