1 min read

Reality in slices


Three different slit-scan artists.

A camera that takes a very thin photograph - and then another - and then places those photos next to each other. So you are looking at the same place just later in time. So seeing lots of time piled on top of itself. However you talk about it is hard to get your head around but it makes for beautiful work.

Here are three artists working with slit-scan across video, photography and code.

Jay Mark Johnson

classic slit camera photographer:

A Very Unusual Camera That Emphasizes Time Over Space
The abstract-seeming images here are not the result of some wacky Photoshopping. Jay Mark Johnson’s photos are actually incredibly precise. The reason…

Daniel Crooks

insanely beautiful videos:


AND iphone apps

Best Comment: "So THAT'S what the world would look like if c was 70 mph..."

There is a very thorough and excellent overview of the form here by Golan Levin: http://www.flong.com/texts/lists/slit_scan/